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Flake from Wikipedia References Shredded wheat derived from green to green chased down sugar. Flake consumption in every country where rice. From Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam, Myanmar, Bhutan, India, Tibet and Bhutan to eat as a snack with tea [1] in Thailand is a popular snack, eaten since ancient times. Just past the front of the water is brought to the boat sales detail

Shredded  wheat derived from the green to the green after falling sugar. Flake consumption in every country, planting rice  from Thailand , Laos,  Cambodia,  Vietnam , Myanmar,  Bhutan  , India,  Tibet  , Bhutan, eat a snack with tea  [1]  in Thailand is a popular snack, eaten since ancient times. Just past the front of the water is brought to the boat seller. And then there are the desserts at the Somme. Having mentioned the Somme in Ha Noi 2460 floods  that.raed more
The dealer sold the Somme  Taffy liquid tube eel soup.
     A lullaby mentioned Flake said.
Somme Somme with glutinous  rice and glutinous  rice Somme The most popular are divided into three types of rice Hang or Shredded green light made ​​from grain. The Green Flake The shell is made ​​of rice impulsive dark green. Shredded white The rice is nearly upon Bark Brown  [1].
Flake as a snack in many ways, for example.
  • Put the mixture in Krayasart
  • Somme Somme is new ground roasted onion, then filtered with a white cloth. Shredded coconut drops onto the filter in  coconut milk to mix the Somme lumpy. Then rolled over on a palm-like egg rolls Pomfret.
  • Somme Somme rail is made from roasted and eaten with coconut milk until it burned.

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